
Company Policy:  It is the policy of Aquatic Innovations that no refunds are given.  It is the responsibility of the participant/parent to ensure that the student arrives on time and that they are picked up on time.  In the event of inclement weather the class will not be made up.  In the event of a death in the family arrangement may be made at the convenience of the instructor.  In consideration of the permission by Aquatic Innovations to accept the above named participant(s) in the activity(ies) listed above given, taught or sponsored byAquatic Innovations, the undersigned hereby releases Aquaticinnovations from, and waives and relinquishes any claim, liability, cause of action, damages, or costs for personal injury or property damage arising as a result of participation in or receiving instructions from Aquatic Innovationsregarding said activity, excepting for such personal injury or property damage as may arise directly out of the active negligence of Aquatic Innovations, its officers, agents or employees. The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has been fully advised of the risks and potential dangers incidental to engaging in the activity for which this registration is submitted, and voluntarily and knowingly assumes the risks of engaging in the activity. NOTE: By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to release photo rights and relieve Aquatic Innovations of liability for personal injury, wrongful death or property damage except as may be caused by the active negligence of Aquatic Innovations. Aquatic Innovations staff reserves the right to photograph facilities, activities and program participants for potential future use. All photos will remain the property of Aquatic Innovations.  Participant(s) or legal guardian must complete waiver form in its entirety prior to the first class meeting. If waiver is not signed, participant will not be regiPstered and form will be returned

By clicking submit you accept the company policy of Aquatic Innovations.  PAYMENT IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION.  FAILURE TO PAY AT THIS TIME WILL RESULT IN REGISTRATION FORM BEING INVALID. Also if you would like to order a T-shirt with your registration select color and size.