r.24 Lifeguarding Instructor Recertification Course

To register for the Instructor recertification R 24 click on the registration link provided:  PAYMENT IS DUE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION.  FAILURE TO PROVIDE PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION WILL MAKE REGISTRATION FORM INVALID. 



Course Prerequisites

*Possess a current, or expired by no more than 1-year, American Red Cross Lifeguarding Instructor certification.

*Successfully complete the online session of the Lifeguarding Instructor Recertification course prior to the in-person session

Course Information

Cost is 125.00 w/o Lifeguard renewal. If you want to renew your Lifeguard certification it is 165.00.


1/11/25 9-4

2/8/25 9-4

2/22/25 9-4

3/29/2025 9-4

4/19/25 9-4

5/17/25 9-4

6/14/25 9-4